The faculty is chosen after careful screening. We have well qualified, experienced and competent staff which adopts a combination of the both modern and traditional approach in imparting education. They make a conscious use of teaching aids and implement the play way, group discussion and project methods while teaching so that learning is made easy and enjoyable. Training programmes for the teachers are organized to update and enrich their knowledge to keep them well-acquainted with the new trends in educational system.


The classrooms are spacious, well-ventilated, well-lighted and well-equipped with modern amenities. The emphasis has been laid on cleanliness and beautification of the classrooms with a view to enable students to enjoy the learning process with whole hearted devotion.
As it is said reading makes man, YIEA has established a well-equipped library where the students can enrich their knowledge about various aspects that enable them to widen the horizon their inter personal facets.
Computer Lab
The school computer centre has 34 computers where in all the students are given unlimited access to the computers and associated educational software tools for the development of academic standard along with the computer skills
A specially designed play area with modern play equipments is also available for the tiny tots. A vast green well maintained lawn area is provided for students to play. The students are provided with special coaching facility for indoor as well as outdoor games.
What I see, I forget. What I do, I remember. We follow these lines to inculcate in an individual the habit of doing more than believing blindly. We have spacious well-equipped science lab that promotes and helps our school budding scientists to understand the scientific facts with practical knowledge and develop the scientific attitude.
Fine Arts
To nurture and develop the creative aspects of every child, the school imparts special training to the students in Fine Arts section. Various Fine Arts like dance, music, dramatics, crafts, paintings, clay modeling etc. are taught to the students. Extreme exposure to these activities helps them to learn our reach culture and traditions. The students get an opportunity to exhibit their talents in music, dance, dramatics, etc. by participating in the cultural activities in Annual Social Gathering.
Medical Facility
A well qualified and experienced medical staff is available on the school campus to provide necessary medical aid to the students. The school also organizes a yearly medical check-up and maintains a health report of each students.
Transport Facility
The school owns a fleet of 9 comfortable buses plying across the city and the nearby villages. Every bus has a skilled driver and an alert bus attendant to facilitate the boarding and alighting of students, from stop to stop.
The School owns a fleet of 5 buses plying all over the city and nearby villages. Every bus has as attendant to facilitate the boarding and alighting of students.
The School owns a fleet of 5 buses plying all over the city and nearby villages. Every bus has as attendant to facilitate the boarding and alighting of students.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We, at YIEA study every child individually to locate the hidden talents and qualities in it. YIEA is divided into 4 houses as Himalaya, Nilgiri, Vindhya, Sahyadri .To ignite the true team spirit and sportsmanship amongst the students we organize various co-curricular activities.
Sports Education
YIEA offers excellence sports infrastructure. We have two grounds for the field games like Football, Volleyball, Handball, Cricket, Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, etc. Our school star players have represented India in the national and international level sports events under the able guidance of skilled coaches and physical education teachers.